Posts tagged with "peru"

08. June 2017
We know getting your children to talk can be difficult at times so we prepared a list of questions to help as conversation starters. We hope they help you learn more about our trip. Tell me about the weather in Peru. What were your hotel's like? Room size, AC, etc. What is the most important thing you learned about Peru? Describe how the two countries of Peru and the United States are different. How has traveling to Peru changed your worldview? How did you use your Spanish on the trip? Was...
08. June 2017
Here is the post from Emmalee that we weren't able to post due to the Internet connectivity. Today was the last day on the 2017 Peru Trip and I have to say it was full day of events. So today we ate this widespread breakfast. Probably the best breakfast that we have had this trip. After breakfast we took a bus ride to a supermarket where we bought snacks and water. Also there was a group of girls who have bought 6 liters of pineapple juice. After that we met our tour director for the day and he...
07. June 2017
We are on our way home. It has been an amazing trip. Students are sad to leave Peru, but are also excited to go home. Please check the blog again later this week. I have several posts and lots of photos that I wasn't able to upload due to the Internet connectivity issues. Mr. Thornton
04. June 2017
Tonight we have two student bloggers again. The first is Hannah T and the second is Zoe T. Today was our 5th day in Peru, which was mostly spent inside the train and on a cramped bus. After one side of my body getting scorched and burned by the hot sun we finally got to get out and walk around. We were then crammed on a bus where we drove in to Cusco. We got to admire pottery made by a proffesional and watch in aw as people in brightly bedazzled costumes banging big drums walked down the narrow...
03. June 2017
Today was packed full of activities! We woke up early as in breakfast at 5 a.m. with a departure from the hotel at 6 a.m. Parents don’t let the students fool you. They can wake up early. All of the students were up and at breakfast on time. Our early departure time was so that we could take a train to Machu Picchu. The scenery on the train ride was amazing. After checking into our hotel we had lunch and then rode a bus up a bumpy road to Machu Picchu. Machu Picchu was something I have been...
02. June 2017
Today we have two guest bloggers by the name of Carson and Cole! They have a fun and different take on the day than our last two female bloggers. Enjoy! Day 4: A New Hope By Carson L, Script by Carson L Waking up this morning to my Smash Mouth alarm was exhilarating. I got in the shower of my new hotel room, only to be confused by the strange handles. I twisted and turned the handles but it was no use. My roommates were confused as well, the shower was against us all. We ate a scrumptious...
02. June 2017
A quick update. We have had a really hard time with the Internet. 😢 This is especially true with getting photos on the blog. We are all having a great time and are exhausted.
01. June 2017
Breakfast was bright and early this morning. We traveled from the city of Lima to Cusco. The flight was about an hour and was so far the least painful flight. Cusco is what I envisioned Peru to look like. We went to ancient Inca ruins and saw temples, gardens, and churches. We saw an alpaca store and learned how to identify fake alpaca material. We met our new tour guide and she took us on a walking tour around the city to get a better grasp on the culture. We went to a restaurant and got to...
31. May 2017
Our internet tonight is really slow tonight. So I am doing the blog from my phone. I hope to have photos up once I get a better connection. We love comments on the blog and we do share them with the kids each day! Mr. Thornton Day 2 Today was a day filled with sightseeing, new experiences, and new knowledge. We started out eating breakfast at the hotel. It was a great selection of food with food that we are familiar with, and food that was new too us. After breakfast we walked through Lima to...
21. May 2017
Please meet us at the DIA on Tuesday, May 30th at 7:30am. We will meet inside at the Delta drop off. Parents are welcome to drop off students and leave or stay until we go through security. Double check that students arrive with their passports.